The date palm trees is a very known tree in my country and region (Arab countries). It is a medium-sized plant, 15–25 m tall, growing singly or forming a clump with several stems from a single root system.The leaves are 3–5 m long, with spines on the petiole, and pinnate, with about 150 leaflets; the leaflets are 30 cm long and 2 cm wide. The full span of the crown ranges from 6 to 10 m.

you will find the date palm trees almost at every home, road, park, garden or in summary every where in my country and the gulf countries. people in the past used to get benefit of every part of it. it's sweet date is considered as the main dish in all our meal. the dates is a very healthy fruit. and the it's leaves is never thrown. it's widely used to create different kind of items.
One of the ways to use the leaves is leaves knitting as shown in below
Drying the leaves

Dying the leaves

knitting the leaves

Here are some samples of recycling the leaves after knitting
Home decor


Al Aresh (home of date palm leaves)

inside al Aresh
Small Bowls


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